In a world that thrives on diversity and inclusivity, Eximo stands as a shining example of a singing and piano teaching company that embraces individuals of all backgrounds, abilities, and identities. With a firm commitment to equality and a passion for music education, Eximo creates an environment...
At Eximo, we take great pride in nurturing and honing the skills of our students, regardless of age or location. Today, we would like to introduce you to Isabella, a remarkable 9-year-old student who has been taking online lessons with us for the past couple of years....
Why choose Eximo for singing and or piano lessons? Find out in this post...
If you are on the fence deciding whether to take piano or singing lessons, this post is for you. Whether you're looking for remote or online lessons on zoom or in person singing and piano lessons, this post will explore the many benefits or having a teacher dedicated to your needs....
One of the most common questions online singing teachers get asked is how singing lessons work remotely. The answer is: It's very much like singing lessons in person just more resourceful....