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Category: Singing

  1. Why is my voice scratchy right now?

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    Why is my voice scratchy right now? 

    Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 18.09.15

    If you have noticed your voice going scratchy this week, it may be due to the Saharan Sandstorm that arrived in the UK. The so called "Calima" can cause dryness of your vocal chords but it also is a pollutant. The very fine grains of sand carried by the wind is inhaled and can cause various health issues. It is also often accompanied by warmer wheather. 

    Having spent a fair amount of time in the Canary Islands over the years where Calimas are pretty common, here are a few tips I have found help protect our singing voices and our general health and avoid those scratchy thoats:

    1) When you're outside

  2. Top 5 Reasons Why Confidence Matters More than Sounding Like a Superstar

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    Top 5 Reasons Why Confidence Matters More than Sounding Like a Superstar


    In a world obsessed with perfection and celebrity status, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of sounding like a superstar when taking singing lessons. However, the true value lies in the confidence gained through the process. Singing lessons can be transformative, helping individuals discover their unique voice and build self-assurance that extends far beyond the stage. Should you keep spending money even if you don’t feel like you have reached your end goal? Here are our top 5 reasons why

  3. Do I really need to stand up to sing?

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    Singing Sat Down vs. Standing Up: Exploring the Pros and Cons 


    When it comes to performing and vocal practise, singers often face the decision of whether to sing while sitting or standing. In this blog, we will delve into the pros and cons of singing sat down versus standing up, helping you make an informed choice based on your preferences and needs. I personally advice students to

  4. Unlock Your Vocal Potential: The Benefits of Online Singing Lessons

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    Unlock Your Vocal Potential: The Benefits of Online Singing Lessons

    Are you passionate about singing but find it challenging to pursue your dreams due to time constraints or limited access to professional training? Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore the world of online singing lessons and why they can be a game-changer for aspiring vocalists. Discover the numerous benefits of learning to sing online and how it can help you unlock your true